Qiaobing Xu, PhD

Dr. Qiaobing Xu is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Tufts University.   He is a recipient of the highly prestigious Pew Award and a CAREER award from NSF.  His research interests lie at the intersection of material science engineering (specifically nanoscience) and biomedical applications. His team looks at developing new synthetic materials for the delivery of therapeutic biomacromolecules. He has applied his technology to many different applications including delivery of Crisper/Cas constructs intracellularly for gene editing, tissue engineering, neural regeneration and vaccine delivery.  He has employed his nanoparticles to improve the safety of viral vaccines targeted to wild-animals at risk for Lyme.

Read more about Dr. Xu at: https://engineering.tufts.edu/bme/people/faculty/qiaobing-xu
